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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sunday the 16th; it was time to say goodbye to our friends today as they set off toward Braunston going in the opposite direction to us. The dogs had one last run together as they got ready to cast off, chasing around the park before being called back to the boat. It was sad to wave then goodbye, but we know we will meet up again soon somewhere on the canals next year, hopefully to travel together and share the experience with friends.

We left soon after they had gone, leaving the mooring to travel just a short way to the water point, where I would see to the chores while Sally went for some veg at Tesco. Back at the boat we set off for All Oaks Wood, one of our favourite spots on the Oxford Canal and as it was not too far to run we kept our revs at just under 1000rpm.
Not long after watering up we headed over the two aqueducts making our way out of Rugby and as we got to the last narrow section we heard the sound of a horn, so slowed down to tick over, not sure whether the boat was coming out of the arm to our left, or a boat ahead. It turned out to be the latter; a Rose Narrowboat coming at a pace straight toward us, now as we were in the narrow section where stop boards are used we could do nothing except try and reverse away. Me waving franticly at the driver to slow down and go into reverse, but he pulled over to the right to pass us on our left, not knowing that there was a brick wall in front of him. Still going forward in gear, his boat hit the brickwork, rose out of the water and arched to his left falling off the brickwork and hitting us fair and square on our port bow. What a crash, it even lifted the back of my boat out of the water and the prop spun in thin air, everything inside the boat fell off shelves and it even dislodged or stove.

On inspection he had put a dint in what is the strongest part of the boat, and all he could say was sorry. (What a Pratt) straight away we rang Rose Narrow Boats and informed them of the accident, only to be told “it’s all a part of boating” and that we should call in for them to look at the damage, but be here before 12.30 as we go home then. As it turned out he was one of the directors and showed no real interest at all, making me even angrier. I did get photos at the time and I am pleased that I did, because it looks like he is accepting no responsibility at all.

This to one side we made our way to All Oaks Wood and moored up for the night, not before inspecting and photographing the damage. It spoilt our day big time, Socks was a shaking wreck and poor Sally was so upset that she could not settle.

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