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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Lack of internet connection

A lot of miles have passed since I was able to update the blog, but as we get nearer to habitation the connection should improve and I will be able to make regular updates.

We left Hawkesbury junction heading for Rugby and a planned meeting with Karl and the rest of the family, with just four locks on the Oxford canal to navigate on the way. With me now doing the locks to try and ensure Sally, my beautiful wife stays dry to eliminate the chances of her falling in this year. In doing this her boat handling skills are improving daily and her confidence growing at the same rate.

It was a good run down into Rugby, passing the home of Rose Narrowboats and the spot where we had our accident last year, then mooring up at All Oaks Wood for the night, one of our favourite spots on the canal system and where we met our now good friends John and Joan who we met in 2010 on our first trip. We stayed just the one night ready to run into Rugby and our meeting with Karl and the girls.
                                                                      Moored in Rugby
We had a great weekend with the family, with Karl and I going off to a model exhibition and the girls doing a bit of shopping and of course lunch. All meeting back up for a spot of tea before they had to leave for home as Rebecca had to be back at Southampton University on the Sunday, ready for her next term. I did buy a few models which I will make on those wet days which will be ahead of us.

We left on the Monday heading for Braunston where we hoped to meet up with John and Jo off NB Acen and Graham and Carolann off NB Autumn Years. At Hillmorton we filled our water tank and then onward to the three locks and a nice run into Braunston.
 Hillmorton top lock
It wasn't long after we arrived at Braunston, and as we sat down for lunch that we heard the toot of a horn and on going out to check who it was, Graham and Carolann had arrived. As we chatted we got a Phone call from John and Jo who themselves had just arrived in the town, so we arranged to moor up with them all after we had finished our lunch. Isn't it amazing that all three boats travelling from different parts of the country all arrived at the same spot with a half hour of each other. Sally and I were very happy to all be together again, on the canals you can make some excellent friends and friendships that last.

The three of us moored up in Braunston
We spent a couple of days in Braunston catching up on the all the news and renewing our friendships over coffee's and wine. Also a chance to top up the larder from the village shop, and get yet another 2 bags of coal as it is still cold and windy (coal in April)!! It was here that we decided to run down the Oxford with them instead of travelling down the Grand Union to meet up with Nick and Polly off NB Thomas Ryan 2 as we had previously arranged. The reason for this is that Nick was stuck on the Great Ouse at Denver Sluice and was unable to get off till the 22nd of April, so after a few phone calls we have now agreed to meet up on the Kennet and Avon later in the year. Nick/Polly we are so looking forward to cruising with you both again and having some fun and fishing.
Our next move was to travel to Napton on the Hill together, so at around 9am, first John, then Graham with Sally and I bringing up the rear as we set off. However our first job was to top up the water tanks, and with three boats and just two taps there was a little manoeuvring to be done. Off we went and turning under the Iron bridges and out of Braunston for our lock free run to Napton. Once there we all decided to tackle the nine locks of the Napton flight the next day, which however turned into two days.
 Autumn Years making her turn

Moored up at Napton
We set off up the flight, leaving the others to do it the next day, and we had a cold but dry trip up the nine and mooring up about a half mile passed the top lock.
 Sally manoeuvring into a lock
 Moving away from the top lock
All moored up the next day
At the locks, Socks decided to get off the boat for a wee, but would not get back on board, but decided to trot off to the next lock which caused a bit of concern, however as I walked up following him, he kept stopping to check that I was still there, but when we got to the next lock he just waited for me as if knowing not to go any further. What a good dog we are so pleased with him.
More to come:

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