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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

For England and St George (Today)

We are sitting on the wharf at Banbury as I write today's update, although we have travelled a few miles since my last one.

We stayed in Cropredy for 6 days awaiting Johns (NB Acen) birthday where he planned to meet with his family for a celebration lunch followed by a gathering back at the boat. Now apart from being stuck for floods I have never sat in the one place for so long, having said that we enjoyed the village and our mooring was great. On the Friday Sally and I went for a walk in the early Summer sunshine to explore the village and local countryside.

 The service point at Cropredy
Our walk took us through the village and onto a country lane heading back toward the canal, crossing over a bridge and back down onto the towpath, turning back toward the boat and a well earned cup of tea.

Looking back toward NB Autumn Years
Saturday soon arrived and as we had been invited to join John and Jo (NB Acen) for their birthday bash we all walked up to the village and the pub (The Brasenose) where we were to meet up with their Son Tim, Christina and their daughter Emilia.
The meal and the company was great with us getting to know John and Jo's family, firstly having a drink before sitting down to the meal. The laughter flowed freely with the waitress providing a few laughs after a comment about loving the puddings, I am afraid I put my foot in it again as my comment led toward her being fat, although she was not, but it was all taken in good faith.
 Left to right; Jo, Graham, Me, Sally, John (the birthday boy), Christina, Carolann and Tim
The Two gay (from drink) guys, staggering home
John and his granddaughter Emilia
Back at the boat we all had tea, coffee's and a little wine until it was time for the family to leave, then all back to our own boats for the evening and to get ready for an early start in the morning bound for Banbury.

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