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Saturday 25 August 2012

A busy day in March, we were informed that there was a wedding party of ten narrow boats arriving in the town on Saturday and all needing to moor up. Now if you know the moorings in the town you will know that ten Narrow boats is something of an ask, let alone the five other boats already moored here.

During the morning three of the overnight boats left, with one other mooring to visit the town so that made three stopping over. Well at around 12.30 the wedding party started to arrive with the boats all decked out with balloons and ribbons with the guests wearing various Hawaiian shirts and flower garlands, making for a very colourful parade of Narrow Boats. Most of the boats went through the town before turning and mooring up along the short stretch of wharf creating quite a bit of interest for the townsfolk.

Coming in slowly the boats on the north bank had to moor breasted up alongside other boats, with the remaining boats singled up on the south side leaving just about enough room for boats to travel through (as long as they were not wide). Now with all the guests moored the wharf became a busy little thoroughfare with lots of laughter and conversation from the gaily dressed guests. The banks on both sides including the bridge were crowded with on-lookers all bustling to get a better view of the bride in her wedding dress. With the Ship Inn just up the steps it wasn’t long before the wharf emptied and the pub filled with nervous but excited guests waiting until 14.00 and the service.


Back as man and wife it was back into the pub for a quick drink while the crews of the NB’s collected their tiller extensions for form a guard of honour across the road to the wharf. All done it was time for the off and back to an Hawaiian themed wedding supper, however there was a small pedleo waiting for the bride and groom, decked out with Champaign, strawberry’s, and other delights for their consumption on their way back to the party.
The wedding over it was back to a quiet mooring once more as each boat in turn left for the party, so Sally and I settled down to enjoy the rest of the day in peace and quiet. My photos did take pride of place in the local paper “Cam Times” and “Wisbech Standard” which was nice.

Hawaiian Sunset

1 comment:

  1. great pics lovely how are you guys you have a great and vairied adventure .
